Warp back to the summer of 1984. The Jacksons are on their Victory Tour. Member Only jackets and Britsh Knights are in style. Everyone wanted to be a Huxtable. Seven individuals learn how their walk with God is affected by the other. There are moments when running away from our tragedies is not the solution, and confronting the devils can worsen things. What is the answer? Are we in this alone? Do we win together and lose by ourselves? Did He bring us this far just to leave us?
The thing she desired most out of life was her freedom. She wanted an opportunity to discover who she was. Growing up, she was daddy’s little girl. Typically, this would be life’s greatest reward, but her father was the pastor of one of the oldest African-American churches in Dallas, TX. As a preacher’s kid, the way she dressed, talked, and behaved was decided and conditioned based on who her dad was. On her eighteenth birthday, Bobbi Tomlin speeds away from the shadows of her father and the church. She enrolls at the University of Oklahoma and encounters her first ounce of freedom. She rejects her parents rearing and all who have her best interest at heart. By the time she realizes her sins not only cast a shadow on herself, it may be too late. Her actions spill into her job and friendships and cause the potential loss of her father’s church. Bobbi will learn redemption is a road with many dips and curves. Each step is not easy. Every step forward sometimes forces three steps backward. Will she continue on the trek despite the voices, regardless of the looks, and with prayers being raised for her failure? The author of Sunday Morning, JC Hennington, brings us Prodigal Daughter. We all make mistakes, and we all deserve redemption. Redemption is not a word; it’s a journey.
Titus Frutt is the young pastor of Harvest Hills Worship Center in San Antonio, TX. He began his ministry journey at the age of sixteen. Now, as the leader of a mega-ministry, he is reaching and changing lives worldwide. With multiple book sales, a popular televangelist ministry, and a thriving school, the world is his oyster. Titus is also a man. A man who is introduced to many temptations. He struggles with the spiritual man to do the right thing and the prideful man who says he can handle it. He attempts to absorb the effects of his choices on his marriage, ministry, and relationship with God. Sunday Morning takes a view behind the pulpit and goes into the Pastor's Study beyond the title and position. It looks at the heart of ministry as well as the politics of it. It also views ministry through the eyes of the ones who are hurt when ungodly decisions are made. Sunday Morning (Right in Frutt) is the first chapter of a four-book series.
Sunday Morning steps down from the pulpit and into the lives of ministry. It sits you in the Pastor's Study and into the First Lady's office. It explores the depths of ministry and that one man's glory is not what it's cracked up to be. I pray this book encourages, intrigues, and motivates the Saints of God.
As Christians, many of us are reluctant to discuss our face-to-face encounter with a demonic spirit. 9 out of 10 Christians have seen a spirit and dismissed it. Many denomination teaches that the devil is real, but few prepare saints how to deal with them. We see horror movies detailing evil spirits, but what happens when you are haunted by one? What happens when your simple prayer is not the answer?
RJ Porter, a young pastor and psychologist, must battle within himself what is spiritual and what is mental. As he faces the shadows of his past, he must face a shadowy figure lurking in the doorway. It wears a hat and a trench coat and carries a briefcase. Too many are coming to him reporting the exact figure. What does the Shadow want? What is it seeking? Is it a demon? Or is it all psychosis?
To book JC Hennington for speaking invitations, please contact us.
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